RightNow Media
Please Accept our FREE Gift to You

Community Foursquare Chapel has arranged with RightNow Media to provide FREE access to their library of over 25,000 high-quality Christian Videos. RightNow Media is viewable on your computer, phone, tablet, or down our RNM channel on your smart TV. Get instant access to over 25,000 high-quality Christian videos.

Content includes:

  1. Topical Bible Studies with downloadable study guides
  2. Books of the Bible study series with downloadable study guides
  3. Youth Group Resources
  4. Children’s resources, including teaching and Christian cartoons
  5. Marriage and pre-marital counseling and enrichment
  6. Family development and Bible studies
  7. Discipleship training
  8. Training for church staff
  9. Much more

    Three Ways to Sign up for FREE Access:

    Once you subscribe and log in, you will be taken directly to the Community Foursquare library, where you can see suggested videos or begin searching for the content you are interested in. You can search by category, topic, or speaker.

    Accessing Content: