Besides a solid Biblical doctrinal statement, a church must also have values that provide a foundation for everything they are and do. These values can help a congregation stay on track in the midst of changing social conditions.  At Community Foursquare Chapel we value the following things:

God and His Word

The Christian life is about God, not us. Jesus Christ is always the focus of our fellowship, not personalities or programs. We respect the Bible as God’s word and wisdom for all of life’s issues, both on earth and for eternity.


The church exists to serve people, not the other way around. We value all people based on the eternal value God created them with. We make no distinctions between men and women, skin color, nationality, social status, or anything else. Our heart is to see every person connect with God in a real and meaningful way.

A Safe Space

Many people do not feel that church is a safe place, because they believe they will be judged for their sins, situations, and other life issues. Because of this, they find it hard to trust and open up to the life-changing message of the Gospel. Our heart’s desire is to be a safe place for people to come and experience the love of God through His Spirit and His people.


Unity releases the power of God in the midst of the congregation. The Bible tells us to “work at keeping the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Unity does not mean agreement in all things. Unity is a higher value than agreement. We can disagree on some things and still maintain unity in the Spirit and a unity of vision and purpose.

Spiritual Life

Religion and spirituality are not necessarily the same things. There are many people who are very religious, but not very spiritual. Our goal is to cultivate true spirituality through the basics of worship, prayer, Bible study, and fellowship, as demonstrated in Acts 2:46-47.

The Gifts of the Spirit and the Priesthood of Every Believer

Peter tells us that every believer is a priest and minister of God. Every Christian has been given gifts by God through the Holy Spirit. We value the diversity of spiritual gifts in the congregation and seek to cultivate and encourage these gifts and provide an opportunity for their manifestation in the midst of the congregation.

The Great Commission

Jesus told His disciples to GO into all the world and preach the Gospel. We believe every Christian has the mandate to evangelize in some way or another. Therefore every church has the mandate to encourage evangelism and provide an opportunity for its members to carry out the great commission.