The Vision of Community Foursquare Chapel has Four Elements:

  1. Evangelize the Lost. Jesus said, “I came to seek and save the lost.” His primary vision in our primary visions. We seek to impact our community through creative ways of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. Disciple Believers. The Great Commission was to “Go into all the world and make disciples.” Discipleship includes walking in relationship with each other to train and encourage mature Christian lifestyles.
  3. Train Leaders. Every person has a call of God on their life and spiritual gifts  they have been given. Our goal is to help people find their call and gifting and provide a place to develop those things which God has placed in their life.
  4. Send Workers. Jesus told us to pray for workers to be thrust into the harvest fields. Paul said, “How will people hear if there are no preachers, and how will people go if they are not sent?” Sending happens when believers are discipled, trained and are ready to launch into their God-given ministries.